Advanced Search

Find the right projects – before your competition – with our advanced search features. Use our database to search by your company’s specific target market, making the most of your time and resources. Let Construct-A-Lead be your secret weapon!

Quality Data

Unmatched Project Data Quality

At Construct-A-Lead, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality commercial construction project data. Our comprehensive and meticulously verified information spans a wide range of projects across the US and Canada.

Calendar Notes & Notifications

We know how hard it can be to keep track of everything going on in your business. That’s why we’ve added the Calendar Notes and Notification feature – so you can stay organized and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Contacts Included for Every Project

We know your time is valuable. That’s why our platform is very user-friendly and contact information that you need to get a jump on your competition is easy to find.

Integrated Marketing Tools

We make it easy for you to project, plan and take action to increase sales. Each time you find a promising prospect, our marketing tools make it easy for you to share that lead with co-workers or even customers.

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Email Alerts

Construction can be a quickly changing market, especially in different parts of the country. Subscribers receive valuable updates to new projects in real-time, giving you an advantage over the competition.

Project Details Researched & Verified

We provide extensive details and every project report includes at least one contact name and phone number. We make it easy for you to make a direct connection.


One-Touch Download to Excel

We understand that time and capacity are limited for many of our subscribers. That’s why we offer a one-touch download – and a personalized directory – for construction leads. We make it easy for you to make a direct connection and grow your client base.

CRM Integration

Fill your sales funnel daily with our automated CRM integration solution. Our API makes it happen seamlessly by automatically receiving and loading the latest project listing you already subscribe to in your Construct-A-Lead account.